Tips On How To Overcome Mental Blocks
Introduction: A mental block means restraining or holding back of painful or undesirable thoughts and memories. Mental blocks also implies, an inability to think, focus and process information with clarity, resulting in a lack of drive. Ultimately it impacts your health and well- being if left unchecked. It is therefore important to recognise the mental blocks and then A mental block is a psychological obstacle or limiting mind-set that prevents you from completing important tasks and achieving success. Mental blocks are invisible barriers standing in the way of your productivity.
When a certain mental blocks occurs, we may feel emotionally overwhelmed about an outcome that we’re unable to handle or incapacitate to work which is required to complete it. When we overcome our mental blocks, you truly will experience inner satisfaction and fulfilment in life.
What are the causes of Mental Blocks?
Some of the common causes of mental blocks are as under:
· Perfection: Like it is said the perfection causes one to delay and freeze the decisions . It is important to understand the progress is more important than perfection.
· Comparison: It is said that comparison is the thief of joy. By constantly comparing yourself to others, you must yourself down and it focuses on lack. For e.g. Thoughts like am not good enough may arise.
· Multi-Tasking: By doing multiple tasks at one time in a short time period can be tiring leading to impact quality of work being done. It may lead to some type of mental blocks.
· Lack of sleep: Having little or no sleep makes you prone to mental blocks.
· Poor Diet: Poor diet may also cause mental blocks. For example, eating junk food may impact health which in turn may lead to mental blocks.
· Medication: Mental blocks can occur as a side-effect in case of some prescription medications.
· Cluttered work environment: Cluttered or noisy work environments may make it or lead into an unproductive mind frame.
· Self Esteem: A poor evaluation of ones ability or capability, may lead to the feeling that you’re inadequate, is a common reason of mental blocks.
How to Overcome Your Mental Blocks
The most effective way to overcome your mental block is through Awareness. When you become aware of it, then you can take steps to overcome it. Here ,some of the strategies will be shared to overcome them:
1. Break down the work into smaller tasks
The simplest approach to overcome a mental block at work is to break down your work into smaller tasks. By doing so, it will allow the work being done as it’s easy to complete the smaller tasks.
2. Clean your work area space
If your working environment is cluttered, then it will be very difficult for your mind to focus. By having a clean workspace will help you to organise and improve your work.
3. Schedule Breaks
If you are not getting a break through then a good approach is to pause and take a break. By doing this, it helps the mind to take break and look at the break down from a different perspective. By doing this, the mind gets a space to look at the situation from a different perspective and then allowing it to solve the matter at hand.
4. Get an external view
Sometimes, the mental blocks are created because you are used to a particular method and expect it to give different result every time. We need to adopt different approaches to solve the problem. By educating yourself on various types of methodologies and getting an understanding on which will work under which situation will help in overcoming any mental blocks.
5. Control your inner voice
Pay close attention to your inner dialogue, you’ll find some patterns which may block your growth — guilt, self-worth, perfection, belief system or even there maybe combination of emotions at play. When you are aware of these patterns, then you can handle them. Meditating, positive-thinking, and practising gratitude are some of the ways to become more aware and to live in the present moment.
6. Take Rest
One of the best strategy to maintain mental health and overcome blocks is to take scheduled breaks and rest. Getting 7–8 hours of sleep every night will help in keeping the mind in good health.